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Total Energies Roedtan

In4solar Solutions proudly announces the successful completion of a solar installation project at Total Roedtan in Polokwane.

In4solar Solutions proudly completed a remarkable solar project for Total Energies in Roedtan, transforming their fuel service station into a beacon of sustainable energy in Polokwane.

The system boasts a robust 15kw Fronius grid-tied configuration, utilizing 37 high-efficiency JA panels to harness the abundant solar resource. Commissioned on 31/10/2023, the installation showcases our commitment to excellence with a peak power output of 14.95kwp, delivering substantial energy savings of 70%.

Ensuring safety and quality standards were upheld throughout, our team meticulously adhered to protocols, donning full PPE including goggles, fire, and acid-resistant worksuits, alongside safety harnesses and lifelines for elevated work.

Despite challenges posed by fuel deliveries and Cash in transit interruptions, our agile approach facilitated completion within a total timeframe of 1 week and 2 days. This involved comprehensive planning spanning 4 days for Safety File preparation, 5 days for procurement, 10 days for construction, and an additional week for commissioning and filing.

Our dedicated team of 7 professionals orchestrated every aspect of the project, overcoming obstacles with ingenuity and expertise to deliver exceptional results.

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